Use specific groups for women managed by City Councils and organizers of massive events by accessing women's protection group information and create private groups with your friends to easily locate and share information privately.

phone Image

QR Code Access

Request scanning the access code to the group from the Violet Points App at the City Council or authorized centers.

Real-time Information

In the interactive map on your phone, you'll find official information coordinated by the City Council, geolocated and in real-time, and you'll see places where you can go in case of need. Through the group chat, you'll receive information and advice from the authorities to increase your security.

Anonymity in Violet Group

Violet Points Group members are anonymous, do not share personal information, and cannot contact each other. Users are anonymous even when they activate visibility in this group, as they are visible but shown as unidentifiable and uncontactable anonymous points.

Extra Security

During the login process, you can voluntarily give your authorization that would allow us to provide the police, in case of disappearance and without the need for a court order, the last positions reported by your device. This is vital information in the case of disappearance.

Increase your security with Private Groups

In your private groups, you'll be able to share confidential information with your friends and easily locate each other, and you'll be able to mark and share, with total privacy, your own meeting points to facilitate your meetings.


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As the person responsible for Equality, Family, and Security in the municipality

For increased security in the municipality or during specific events, contact for more information.


Some of the Municipalities with Violet Groups


Puntos Violeta are safe places for women, managed by entities, municipalities, or organizers of mass events, where a woman can go if she feels harassed, pressured, if she is a victim of aggression, or where to report aggressions and clarify doubts. In these places, they will be assisted, provided with help, and facilitated access to contact specialized services in this matter, emergencies, and specialized personnel from the Municipal Women's Information Center.
The Puntos Violeta App is the access to the Puntos Violeta platform, oriented to the safety, protection, and information of women. Among other functionalities, the App allows locating the Safe points to which a woman can go in case of need.

Once the free Puntos Violeta App has been downloaded from the respective store:
Users can:
  • Locate safe points marked on the platform near them.
  • Create groups with their contacts where, in addition to chatting, they can share their real-time location in each group at will and mark and share points of interest.
  • Be protected, if desired, by an extra security layer that allows us to share data with the police and other security forces if required if the user has become disoriented or disappeared. Information of crucial importance in the initial moments of an investigation.
  • Create return home groups.
  • In case of emergency, contact members of their groups.

Users can scan QR codes for access to groups of entities to access advanced functions.

The QR codes are guarded by the owners of each Puntos Violeta group. Their scanning, restricted to women only, from the Puntos Violeta or EngrApp app allows access to all the information shared in them for their safety, mainly municipality or other entities.

In this way, users can:
  • Locate all safe points of the group, regardless of the distance they are at.
  • Access the chat of each group through which they can receive official communications for their safety.
  • Locate in real-time mobile security personnel to contact or share location if necessary.
  • Access all the resources that the municipality or entity owning the group offers for women's safety.

For entities:

It is a tool to increase the safety of attendees at events, acts, or mass facilities where information and safe places can be shared, from fixed security points to, in large spaces, the real-time location of security agents, with whom women can chat and share their location if necessary.

The Puntos Violeta App allows women to access, free of charge, all the resources available to them aimed at their safety.

For municipalities:

It is a tool for each city council, through the corresponding councils, to share in an interactive map, in real-time, and securely with its neighbors and visitors all the information they consider to increase women's safety.

In addition to the reasons explained in the previous section (entities), the use of the Puntos Violeta Groups App, by the City Council or security devices, allows women to have located on their phones, anonymously and immediately, the information related to information, services, and even the security device that each city council or entity responsible for an event wants to make visible to the group members and allows them, in addition, to access information shared via chat, thus increasing the safety of the members and the management capacity of the device.

The Puntos Violeta App allows women to access, free of charge, and anonymously all the resources available in the municipality aimed at their safety, regardless of the entity, public or private, that generates the resource (provided it is authorized by the council). It allows access to all information on a single platform.

As end users, and recipients of the information shared in each of these groups, the Puntos Violeta App is aimed at any woman who attends a mass public space or event organized by private entities or is a resident of a municipality or any woman who may visit it occasionally, and wishes to have information on safe locations and the security device on her phone.

As a Municipality, or as the security manager of a mass event or entity that aggregates a large number of people, the Puntos Violeta Groups platform is a tool that allows sharing geolocated information and via chat to women who join the group.

The councils of Equality, Family, Social Welfare, Security, Emergencies, Culture, Festivities, Tourism... generally those related to security and citizen participation are the most interested in implementing the Puntos Violeta App as it is a communication tool in which to share direct and secure information to a very specific and vulnerable group, women.

Regarding mass events organized by private entities, event companies, shopping centers, theme parks, resorts, associations, foundations, etc., the security manager is the most interested in establishing a Violeta Group to share all this information for greater safety of attendees and visitors.

For more information:
To access each of these groups, the organizing entity of the event, or the municipality, through the relevant council or security manager, must have registered the corresponding group. If, as the person in charge of an interested municipal area, you want to contact us to better understand the procedure, you can write to us at or

Once the municipality has its Puntos Violeta group, to be able to view the shared information, the first thing to do is to download the free Puntos Violeta App available on Android or IOS to scan the QR code of access from the App.

The only way to access the Punto Violeta group is by requesting the scan from the App of the specific QR of said group, to the security managers. City Hall, Civil Protection, Municipal Police or other entities such as the Health Center, Institute... are some examples of places where women have copies of the code for scanning by women interested in accessing the group.

Only scanning the QR code from the Puntos Violeta App or from the EngrApp App will be allowed, under no circumstances will copying, sending, or distributing it be allowed, and it will only be allowed to scan it for women who request it personally.
No, both downloading the Puntos Violeta App and scanning the group's QR code are completely free for users.
The privacy policies can be found at this link of Terms and Conditions.

In summary, the application anonymizes all user data and it is impossible to link the information to a specific user.
Each Puntos Violeta Group displays the information that the managers of each City Hall and the device want to share, members can interact in the group based on the rules with which it has been configured, which may vary from one group to another. Depending on the municipality, the moment, and circumstances, the device manager may share all or part of the information detailed in this section:

Through the map, you can locate the fixed Violeta Points, volunteers, and coordinators authorized by the municipality* in real-time and when you become visible (anonymous point) you can see other anonymous points corresponding to other visible women. By default, you will be hidden, activating the sharing of your position on the map is a voluntary action. Any user can hide or become visible as many times as she wants in the group. Even activating visibility, in the Puntos Violeta groups where it is possible, the group members are totally anonymous and cannot contact each other since no information is shared, only an anonymous point..

You can also locate events, talks, and conferences organized by associations authorized by the municipality or entity owning the group.

Through the Chat, you can receive specific notifications from the organizers, organize groups for the return home in a group and even recommendations and notifications of events and acts organized by the corresponding councils and local associations.

The interactive map, and in real-time, along with the chat, combined significantly increase the safety of the members of these groups.

Users can confirm, at the time of registration or later, an authorization that will be of great help to the police in case of disorientation or disappearance of the user.

This voluntary authorization allows Sancus Media S.L (owner company of the platform) to link their anonymous data to their email and provide them to the Security Forces, if they require it, in case of disappearance without the need for a court order, so we can provide a very quick response, facilitating the movements of that user based on the information reported by the phone. Highly useful information in case of disorientation or disappearance.

In case of need, due to disorientation or disappearance of a group member, police and other security forces may track the positions reported by the interested party's device if they have signed the authorization.

The possibility for any user to make specific groups with security device managers allows them to become visible only to these profiles to facilitate their location in case of any problem.

You will be able to access information shared by associations authorized by the municipality that may locate their events.

In short, you will be able to access all the information that the municipality considers appropriate for greater safety and information of the members of the group.
Depending on how the Puntos Violeta group you have joined is configured, you may be able to become visible as an anonymous point, or you may not be able to become visible at all. This option that each entity configures for its group may change depending on the needs at each moment. By way of example, a city council may have its group configured so that no one can become visible, but for example during a women's marathon event, allow visibility to show support or during gatherings. It is the city council that will regulate this feature of the group, so it may be that the group members cannot become visible.

Anyway, remember that to see other dots (other women sharing their position as anonymous points), in groups where this is allowed, you must first share your point, that is, you have to become visible on the map. You will see yourself with your image, but the rest of the people will see you as an anonymous and uncontactable point, in the same way that you see the other visible members.

To become visible in the group from the group options, you must activate the visibility checkbox, an action that you can perform if it is an option of the group.

Regardless of whether a user becomes visible in the group or not, she will be seeing at all times the security profiles that are visible, as well as the highlighted fixed points and access to the chat.
The list of members of the Puntos Violeta groups is not visible, the members are anonymous. To guarantee privacy and anonymity, the lists of members of public groups are not shown, but... we are there 😊

Only in private groups (those formed between friends) are the lists of members of each group shown.
For more information about using the platform and the Puntos Violeta group of your municipality or event, please contact the responsible parties.

From an operational point of view, Puntos Violeta uses the EngrApp engine for its operation.

More information about EngrApp can be found at the following link EngrApp and in this other one the privacy policies.
Don't worry, it's a background service notification, it's completely normal and occurs on some phones. Plus, it's very easy to remove following these simple steps.

The steps may vary depending on the phone, but they should be similar on all of them.

Regardless of whether a user becomes visible in the group or not, she will be seeing at all times the security profiles that are visible, as well as the highlighted fixed points and access to the chat.

- 1 Press on the settings of the phone (usually a gear in the top left corner).

- 2 Look for applications.

- 3 Look for and press on the Puntos Violeta App.

- 4 Within the Puntos Violeta information menu, look for privacy and enter notifications.

- 5 Look for and click on notification category.

- 6 Deactivate TSLOocationManager.

There may be phones that have shortcuts and you can access the application information in a different way, but in the end the process is very similar, from the application information access notifications and deactivate TSLocationManager.

- Here's another example of another type of phone with a different operating system, but the mechanics are the same: Deactivate TSLocationManager. In this case, you can access Puntos Violeta information by long pressing on the App icon.

- or this one

The application is prepared to be installed optimally, however, sometimes, depending on the device and operating system, some settings are not installed by default, negatively affecting the performance of the App.

Don't worry! It's not a problem, there's a solution 😊.

Primarily, installation can be affected in:

- Geolocation
- Notification
- Battery
- Non-removal of permissions

- Geolocation
For Puntos Violeta to work properly, the phone's geolocation must be enabled. Puntos Violeta must have permission to access location permanently and precise location activated, so we can share your location with your contacts even when you don't have Puntos Violeta open and for the extra layer of security to work correctly.

- Notification
The previous question explains how to remove the permanent notification in more detail, but basically:

- Battery
Puntos Violeta optimizes the phone's battery with minimal consumption. However, some phones restrict battery usage to applications running in the background, which affects behavior. By accessing the app information, you can allow the phone not to restrict battery usage if you haven't done so during installation.

- Non-removal of permissions
Many operating systems restrict permissions to applications that are not used frequently, affecting the application's performance when it is reopened if it has been a long time (days) since the last time you used it, or affecting its operation in the background... We trust that this does not happen to you with Puntos Violeta, as it is an App that we hope you find useful in your day to day 😊. Anyway, we explain here how to optimize this too...

The additional security layer, known as ESL (Extra Security Layer), is a prominent feature of our platform that allows collaboration with the police when necessary. It is essential to understand that the platform anonymizes and completely dissociates user data, ensuring that no personal information is shared. This process is carried out with the aim of guaranteeing the anonymity and security of our users.

However, by keeping this option activated in the privacy and security settings of the application, as shown in the image below:

It provides us with the possibility, upon police request and without the need for a court order, to de-anonymize the user's data and share with law enforcement the last GPS positions reported by the user's phone.

This measure significantly streamlines police procedures and response capability in cases of user disappearance or disorientation, especially in the initial critical moments of a search.

It is worth mentioning that this functionality has been very positively received by the consulted Law Enforcement Agencies, as it provides them with a fundamental tool and invaluable assistance in search processes.
If you are interested in contracting the platform to manage a Puntos Violeta group for your event or municipality, please write us an email at, and for more information, please visit this link or you can write us in the form of this page.
The operation of the Violeta groups is similar to that of any other group you may belong to on the platform, whether public or private among friends.

By clicking on the "leave group" button on the group options screen, you will leave the group and will no longer be able to see the shared information. To rejoin the group, you will need to find another security member who will allow you to scan the group's QR code.

Once you have left the Punto Violeta group, if you have decided, you can continue using the rest of the public groups on the platform and the private groups with your contacts.

If additionally you want to exit the App permanently, on the general profile screen, the logout option allows the user to exit the App permanently until you log in again.


Download the free Puntos Violeta App, exclusively for women, which offers protection, prevention, and security. It also allows you to anonymously locate safe locations and resources shared by each City Council.
With an extra layer of security in case of disappearance.


Some screenshots of the application and shared information


The Puntos Violetas groups are sponsored by the following entities highly involved in women's safety.


And thanks to the active collaboration of:


In collaboration with prestigious associations, we offer training courses for owners and employees of commercial premises who, sensitized to the issue, want to turn their premises into a Purple Point, a safe place where women can go in case of needing assistance.

After the training and certification of having completed the course implemented by the municipality, these premises can become visible on the platform as safe points and display the corresponding emblem in their shop window.



Welcome to the club


Comprehensive management of temporary informative tents "Purple Point" at municipal and mass events.

Possibility of using the "Purple Points" App as a trial during events where a Purple Point tent is contracted.



More information at


If you have any questions, please contact us

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